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Junior Does

Does that have never freshened or been bred and are under 2 years old.

*click on any reference goat's name to be taken to its full pedigree/page*

*click on our goat's name to be taken to its ADGA Genetics page*


DOB: 4/3/2024


Sire: TUA Farms PK Time Keeper *Bpending

         Sire's Sire: Woodbridge Farm Promise Kept *Bpending  *DNA*

         Sire's Dam: SGCH Oak Apple Greta Go Girl 2*MAR VEEE90

Dam: DLMG Farms LJ Antique Lace *1 leg*

         Dam's Sire: GCH Almar Acres O Leroy Jethro G ++*B EEE90  *DNA*

         Dam's Dam: DLMG Farms DRE Venice Lace 1*M EVEV89


Lacie's blurb will be updated as she matures!


Sire's Dam (SGCH Oak Apple Greta Go Girl)

-PTI 2:1  163
-PTI 1:2  82
-ETA 2:1  55
-3x Grand Champion
-2x Reserve Grand Champion
-Peak DHIA Record of 1370lbs Milk, 80lbs Butterfat,59lbs Protein in 276 DIM

Dam (DLMG Farms LJ Antique Lace)

-1x Grand Champion (dry leg)
-1x Reserve Grand Champion

Dam's Sire (GCH Almar Acres O Leroy Jethro G)

-1x Reserve Grand Champion
-6x Grand Champion
-2x Best of Breed
-2x Best Buck in Show

Dam's Dam (DLMG Farms DRE Venice Lace)

-2x Reserve Grand Champion



Idaho Syringa: 2x 2nd place, 3rd place, 4th place
Barn in the USA: 1st place
Deschutes County Fair: 1st place
Oregon State Fair: 1st place

Till-Riv SC Ménage À Trois


DOB: 4/11/2024


Sire: Dill's ROD Sam Crow *B GEE84  *DNA*  *1 leg*

         Sire's Sire: Dill's FW Ride or Die +*B  

         Sire's Dam: SGCH Dill's BF Glamour 4*MAR VEEE91

Dam: Goat Addiction Twisted Fetish 6*Mpending VGVV86

         Dam's Sire: Dill's ROR F I T with a Z *B

         Dam's Dam: Goat Addiction Kinky Jane 5*M VVEV88   *DNA*


Menage's blurb will be updated as she matures!


Sire (Dill's ROD Sam Crow)

-1 Grand Champion Leg
-PTI 2:1  104
-PTI 1:2  65
-ETA 2:1  85
-ETA 1:2  36
-ADGA 83% 2023

Sire's Dam (SGCH Dill's BF Glamour)

-PTI 2:1  124
-PTI 1:2  75
-ETA 2:1  51
-2 Superior Genetics Progeny
-2 Permanent Champion Progeny
-2x Reserve Grand Champion
-7x Grand Champion

Sire's Littermate (CH Dill's Little Black Dress)

-Permanent Champion

Dam's Dam (Goat Addiction Kinky Jane)

-2021 ADGA National Show 19th Place Senior Kid



Leila Berry: 1st place, 2nd place, 4th place
Deschutes County Fair: 2nd place
Oregon State Fair: 4th place

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