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Sales Policy & Herd Management

Please read over the sales terms.


Our goal is to make certain that you get the goat that you desire and that there are no misunderstandings in the sale process.


Remember, the sale of a goat is not the end of your relationship with Broken Top Farm, but the beginning!


Feel free to ask questions and keep in contact.

Money Matters

Broken Top has the right to refuse any purchaser for any reason, but will aim for transparency. 


In order to reserve your choice of kid, we require you inform us the exact breeding or general want 

(“2 wethers from any breeding”, for example). We will also want your contact info, name, location, and herd name if possible. 

Once kids are born, those on the reservation list will be contacted. At this time, should you decide to move forward, a non-refundable deposit of 50% down is required to hold your kid. If it is not received within 24 hours of verbal agreement, we will move onto the next name on the reservation list. 

Preference in sales/reservations will be given to performance herds or youth actively showing in 4-H or FFA. This is to grow our herd reputation and merit - as well as encourage youth to stay active in their goat projects with quality animals. This means that if one person requests a doeling, but is not on any performance programs. Another person requests a doeling one month later but is on performance programs. Then the second person will have the first choice in kid. 


Discounts may be available for youth actively showing and raising goats for 4-H or FFA, performance herds (DHI, LA, or showing), and multiple goat purchases. Inquire if you might fall under one of these categories! 


Prices are set and we will not “bargain” with you. Our animals are priced on merit, quality, and genetics. 


Broken Top may also retain any kids above any reservations or change our minds on animals for sale for any reason at any time – if you have a deposit we will refund for this reason only. Sometimes evaluations of youngstock take several weeks due to maturing and growth. If we are unsure which kid will be retained, we will be transparent in that and notify you when we are sure of the kid that will be yours. 


Kids can be picked up once they are on two bottles a day (usually around 3 weeks of age). If you can show knowledge, experience, or have a mentor you are regularly learning with, I may consider letting a healthy kid leave earlier on the bottle. 

Pick up will be planned with the purchaser at time of deposit. If pick up is more than 30 days from deposit date, additional costs may incur for care, feed, and boarding at $5 per day. If the animal is not picked up at agreed upon timeframe, the animal will be considered surrendered, deposit retained, and next purchaser pursued. 


If you are purchasing a doe of breeding age, you may request she be bred to a buck of your choice for free before leaving the farm. We cannot guarantee the breeding will "take" and therefore this is a one-time service. Per ADGA rules, any kids who are the result of a doe purchased and bred by us must carry the “Broken Top” herd name and have ear tattoos of the farm where the kids were physically born (the buyer's tattoos). 


Payment is required in full before the animal leaves our possession. 

We accept Venmo, Cash, Check, Zelle, and PayPal (family and friends only). 


You may pick up your goat at the farm or we can arrange a meet-up at a show. To see what shows are planned for Broken Top Farm, check out the "Show Results" page. 


If for any reason, you wish to get rid of your animals, please consider informing us so we may look into purchasing back or just so we can follow our progeny. 

Kid Care

All of Broken Top's kids are removed from the dam immediately after kidding to place them directly in our care, under closer supervision, and growing a bond with humans. We allow them to live in the house up to one week if weather is inclement or cold – as Central Oregon has some harsh nights. 


If applicable, you will be given a "goody bag" of some feed that the animal eats, paperwork, basic care guide, and supplies for next vaccination or medication if needed. 

Should the weather be harsh or the kids show anything less than thriving health, rest assured that the kids will have a temporary residence in the house until deemed safe to return outside. We do our best to ensure we raise healthy, strong kids. 


We will only let kids leave with a clean bill of health - but once the kid leaves our farm, we can no longer be responsible for its health. You are always welcome to reach out with questions or for advice and we will support as able. 


Kids are fed colostrum until the dam stops producing it (or colostrum replacer will be utilized) and then raw goat’s milk from our animals (or whole cow’s milk from the store or 50/50 whole cow’s milk and goat’s milk) as follows, but we try to get to two a day as soon as possible for our personal schedule. Amounts and timelines often vary based on kids’ size, strength, health, and intelligence level: 

  • Day 1 – 4oz, 4x per day (including colostrum/colostrum replacer) 

  • Day 2 & 3 - 6oz, 3x per day 

  • Day 4 & 5 – 7oz, 3x per day 

  • Day 6 & 7 – 8oz, 3x per day 

  • Week 2 to Week 10 – 12oz, 2x per day 

  • Week 10 to Week 12 – 12oz, 1x per day 


In addition to bottles, kids are offered grain and alfalfa from one week of age. 

They often do not eat grain immediately and it is left free-choice until they grow interest. At which time it is given at a rate of ¼ cup of grain mixture per kid twice a day until approximately 6 months of age. 

They also will have free access to leafy alfalfa and some grass hay starting at 1 week until at least 6 months of age, at which point they transition to orchard only. 


Kids are separated by sex at 8 weeks. 


We vaccinate and preventatively treat for coccidia. All of our kids are disbudded prior to one week of age. 


If you purchase a wether, the deed will be done around 12 weeks of age. 


We do not sell single kids unless you can prove you have other goats already in your possession of similar age. This is for the benefit of the goat, as they are social and need friends! 


We will not be selling non-registered, in-tact buck kids unless you have separate housing/pens and a non-female “buddy” for them, to prevent unwanted pet breedings and ensure well-being. 


We will be particular in selling registered bucklings, for the integrity of breed improvement. We reserve naming rights for all kids but are happy to take suggestions, as they carry the Broken Top herd name. You may use any “barn” name you prefer if the one we choose isn’t your style!


“Kid Clinics” are offered throughout weaning season at set dates. We pick dates that work with the general schedule of kids born, based on their 3-week vaccine and preventative. There will be a specific time on the date selected and we are unable to accommodate. These generally are offered for 6-week CDT/Coccidia prevention and 12-week banding. Free disbudding touch-ups will be offered at these clinics. Clinics will have a set fee for service that needs to be paid on the day of the clinic. 

Herd Health

All Animals: Free choice Duraferm Concept Aid mineral, baking soda, Zinpro, and Icelandic kelp as available. Unlimited water cleaned weekly, with tank heaters in winter months. 


Milkers: Alfalfa and orchard grass for roughage. Grain is offered on the stand at an average rate of 1lb per milking, per doe – but may be adjusted if they show a higher demand or have excess fleshing. 


Pregnant Does: Alfalfa introduced 60 days from kidding and orchard grass for roughage. Grain is offered twice daily at during the last two months of lactation as ½ lb of grain per doe. 


Dry Does: Orchard grass for roughage. No grain and no alfalfa are offered. 


Bucks: Orchard grass and alfalfa at a 4:1 ratio to maintain a proper calcium to phosphorous balance. No grain is offered. 


Feed Mix: Broken Top mixes a custom grain blend weekly, the current mix is below: 

3 parts Rolled Oats 

3 parts Crushed Barley 

2 parts Black Oil Sunflower Seed 

2 part Haystack Goat 

Top Dress: fenugreek seeds, flax seed powder 


The herd is given CDT annually - does 1 month prior to kidding and all others in spring around the same time. A BoSe shot and Vitamin ADE shot are also given 2x per year to increase herd health due to living in a selenium-deficient area (always check your area’s levels before following our regimen). Kids are given BoSe at birth and 6 months. Pregnant does get BoSe 1 month prior to kidding. We deworm/coccidia prevention kids at 3 weeks and 6 weeks with Zuricox. If a kid shows signs of weakness or failure to thrive, they may be assessed for other worm loads or given an additional dose of Zuricox. Copper boluses are given as needed based on condition. 


Broken Top’s care schedule and herd health booklet can be viewed on our “Resources” page. 


We are a CAE, CL, and Johne's free herd. We assure these measures by only buying health-tested animals and by blood testing our adult herd annually. You may request these results at any time, purchasing or not. We follow biosecurity measures with visitors and when traveling to shows. Health certificates/vet checks beyond our annual blood tests or the animal’s individual care sheet can be done at your request and expense. 


Genetically transmittable conditions (myotonia, carpal hyperextension, etc.) are monitored and we do not allow them in our herd if present. We will be transparent in any known factors when discussing a sale, but will only speak to known facts, not hearsay. If an animal originally purchased from Broken Top develops a genetic condition, we offer 50% off a replacement animal with veterinary proof of said condition (DNA testing, x-rays, etc.). 


All of our does are on milk testing and we participate in Linear Appraisal when available. The scores and production records can be found on our website as we are able to update it, as well as ADGA Genetics and CBCD websites. We attend many shows every year and any results will be posted on the “Show Results” page. Any outstanding wins will be listed directly under the animal's page. 


We utilize a personal pricing "calculator". There is no formal evaluation or way to add up an animal’s value. 


We base prices on genetic quality, transmitability (ETA/PTI) scores, DHIR milk results, linear appraisal scores, show records, age, potential, and market demand. 


Note: $50 discount for youth. Youth must provide proof that they are already actively showing goats in FFA or 4-H. The discount will not apply if the youth "wants to begin showing". Unfortunately, many youth end up not pursuing goats after trying them or the parents take on roles as owners/caregivers. Our policy is to protect the animal and ensure the youth is already committed to dairy goats. 


Note: Discounts are often available for multiple animal purchases, please inquire as discounts vary. 


Note: Preferences for reservations and sales will always be given to performance herds that are actively participating in DHI, LA, or showing. We are happy to mentor you in these programs if you wish to be involved. 


Note: All prices are tentative. Some animals may be priced more for a variety of reasons including - personal value by us as a breeder, LA scores, DHI results, or other performance-based records and accomplishments. 

(920) 296-9374

La Pine, OR, USA

Downward curved words "ADGA PLUS" above three goat heads representing three different breeds. The word "member" on the bottom with "performance tested" underneath that.
Central Oregon Goat Association

ADGA Registered
November 2024 - CL/CAE/Johnes Negative - VIEW HERE

Shows - LA - DHI - DNA Typing

Oregon 4-H Youth Judge
ANDDA across the top. To the left is a black and white Nigerian Dwarf goat indicating buckskin colors. To the left are the words "American Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Association" stacked on top o each other.
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UPDATED: 12/24/2024

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